Club Open Days
Featuring "Tiverton Junction"
Sunday 29th September 10am to 4pm (60 years of Steam and Diesel traction on Tiverton Junction)
Sunday 13th October 10am to 4pm (early 60s era on Tiverton Junction)
Sunday 27th October 10am to 4pm (60 years of Steam and Diesel traction on Tiverton Junction)
Sunday 10th November 10am to 4pm (early 60s era on Tiverton Junction)
Featuring "Tiverton Junction"
Sunday 29th September 10am to 4pm (60 years of Steam and Diesel traction on Tiverton Junction)
Sunday 13th October 10am to 4pm (early 60s era on Tiverton Junction)
Sunday 27th October 10am to 4pm (60 years of Steam and Diesel traction on Tiverton Junction)
Sunday 10th November 10am to 4pm (early 60s era on Tiverton Junction)
Club and Members Layouts on Tour
Watch this space!
Watch this space!
Club Member Activities
Follow the progress that club members have been making with their layouts and models
New layout article in the Club Layouts section "Shields Road"
New layout article in Members Layouts section "Nettlewell" by Martin White
New article published in Modellers Workshop.... " Model Railway Speedometer" by Jes
New article published in Modellers Workshop... " A Rather Special Project" by Philip Worsfold
New article published in Modellers Workshop... "A bit of a Bashing" by Philip Worsfold
Martin C has finished the main structures for his Percy Road Southern Region layout. Inspired by and based on the buildings at Surbition which have a flavour of art deco (Arts Décoratifs)
Andy has scratch built some yard lamps, 2 of which feature on his layout "Bickerton" the remaining one will be fitted to club layout Tiverton Junction.
Martin C has been busy creating a timber yard with these scratch built buildings
New Feature....Introduction to fitting DCC Decoders into OO Gauge 08 shunters in the Modellers Workshop section
Martin C has been busy making buildings for his latest layout (pics 1 & 2) "Latest builds for Percy Road. Both Fair Price models kits covered with Slaters Plasticard, Sc Model Railway Scenery roof tiles and hoist. The smaller building has York Modelmaking self adhesive roof tiles. Both models have Wills guttering, drain pipes and barge boards"
Andy has added lights to his Mk2A coaches using warm white LED's (pic 3) and Mike has added bright white LED's to his Triang Suburban coaches (pic4)
New layout "Bickerton" has been added to out "Members Layouts" section.
Andy has bought a ready made concrete silo and modified the design and colour to suit the location on his layout. Picture 3 shows another shot of club layout Tiverton Junction.
Mike has scratched built a signal box for his test track layout.
Mike has added more detail to his "Test Track" that one day might well be seen at a CVMRC model railway exhibition!
6th December 2021
CVMRC members have built a "Christmas Train Set" that can be seen at Knightshayes Court. Why not check it out when visiting there.
It is on display 11h00 to 16h00 on the following forthcoming dates:
Sat and Sun 11th & 12th Dec
Then from Sat 18th to Thurs 23rd Dec inclusive.
Closed 24th, 25th and 26th December
Reopen on Monday 27th Dec and then open daily until 3rd January.
CVMRC members have built a "Christmas Train Set" that can be seen at Knightshayes Court. Why not check it out when visiting there.
It is on display 11h00 to 16h00 on the following forthcoming dates:
Sat and Sun 11th & 12th Dec
Then from Sat 18th to Thurs 23rd Dec inclusive.
Closed 24th, 25th and 26th December
Reopen on Monday 27th Dec and then open daily until 3rd January.
26th November 2021
Club layout Lambourn will be at the Newton Abbot Railway Studies and Modellers Show
Market Street, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2RJ on Saturday 4th December 10am to 4pm
Mike has made a very nice dumper truck from a white metal kit in OO Gauge... Great bit of weathering Mike!...
Club layout Lambourn will be at the Newton Abbot Railway Studies and Modellers Show
Market Street, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2RJ on Saturday 4th December 10am to 4pm
Mike has made a very nice dumper truck from a white metal kit in OO Gauge... Great bit of weathering Mike!...
10th November 2021
Mike has added some scenic colour to his test track.... and why not!
Mike has added some scenic colour to his test track.... and why not!
4th August 2021
Mike has been adding ballast to the N Gauge club layout Muchwyring.......
Mike has been adding ballast to the N Gauge club layout Muchwyring.......
12th July 2021
Mike has added more detail in the form of a footbridge to the club layout Muchwyring and has sent in a couple more pictures. One of his 3mm scale layout based on Okehampton and one taken of Tiverton Junction
2nd July 2021
Fancy some kitbashing? then head on over to our latest workshop feature where Philip Worsfold describes how he went about remodelling some Kitmaster examples
23rd June 2021
Another video from Andy featuring his layout "Bickerton"
17th June 2021
Mike has been busy working on the mini N Gauge layout "Muchwyring" New pictures have been added in the club layouts section.
13th May 2021
For those interested in War Dept stock Philip has sent in an interesting article about how he converted some his of locomotives to run in that era on his Lusigny-sur-le-Loir layout. Follow this link to the workshop page to see more pics and read all about it.
6th May 2021
Andy has been doing more work on the new extension to his layout, seen here in pics 1, 2 & 3.
In pics 4 & 5 we show two general views of Mikes layout as it takes shape
29th April 2021
Andy has filmed more action on his layout "Tiverleigh" having just fitted a sound decoder into his class 52 Western D1021
15th April 2021
Having moved back into his enlarged railway room Andy has set about extending his layout. (Pic 1)
Mike has been adding buildings to the club mini N Gauge layout "Muchwyring" (pics 2 & 3) He has also been exercising some of his stock on Tiverton Junction (pics 4, 5. 6 & video)
1st April 2021
Mike has been adding self made transfers to his stock. Chris R has been building a Ratio signal box (for about the last 6 weeks!) and has added interior details from LCut Creative. Balcony hand rails still need to be added to finish the model
18th March 2021
Andy has been doing some night time running on his layout and Mike has been scratch building signals for his and the club mini N Gauge model
11th March 2021
Simon has upgraded his Lima class 20 with new wheels and some weathering. In addition he has added a driver and detail to the cab end. Mike has been adding detail to his N Gauge layout.
4th March 2021
The Tiverleigh story continues with this short film clip (part 17) from Andy.
Plus a bonus clip this week from Mike as he takes his Q Kits LMS 10000 for a trip around Tiverton Junction.
25th Feb 2021
This week we see more progress around the station on Baytree Road. A group of hikers are making their way onto the platform to catch the arriving DMU on route to Taunton.
18th Feb 2021
Mike has been working on the club N Gauge mini layout by adding an engine shed. He has built and painted this Ratio kit. He is also preparing to paint the two 3d print based 5.5mm scale or 1/55 coaches we see in the third picture. Members continue to meet up on line with a Zoom session every Tuesday evening at 7pm. This generally goes on for about 80 mins or so and allows members to share progress on their layouts and model building.
11th Feb 2021
Very little modelling going on this week so we go back in time and take a look at the real thing on the West Somerset Railway
4th Feb 2021
Baytree Road update
Added a bit of colour to the layout over the last week or so. Built up a base layer of standard flock powders in brown and green having first painted the area with acrylics. Once dry I brushed on a 50 50 mix of PVA and water and then added static grass by sprinkling over the whole area using a tea strainer. I used Woodland Scenics 2mm Medium Green (FS614) for this. Instead of using the electrical process I teased the scatter with a brush to create the desired effect. Small bushes were added (Woodland Scenics Underbrush (FC135) and fixed in place using diluted PVA via a syringe.
Once all this was dry I set about fitting a couple of lengths of post and wire fencing. I used 4 hole 4ft posts available from Scale Model Scenery for this. I painted them with concrete enamel whilst they were still on the fret and then planted them at 24mm intervals along the road side. Its a good idea to push a small 0.4mm dill bit through each hole to open them out as the paint can make threading the wire quite difficult otherwise.
I have had a small reel of silver wire in my spares box for 10 years plus and have no idea where it came from so I can make no recommendations for this part of the process other than suggesting transformer wire. Sufficient to say that by shear luck this wire turned out to be perfect for the job being both robust enough to poke easily through the holes in the posts and tight enough to not loose too much tension once the work was complete. I finished each run with 3 turns around the last post to secure the line before cutting off.
Chris Rix
28th Jan 2021
Mike has scratch built a Southern Railway Third Class Brake Corridor coach (BTK) for his 3mm TT Gauge layout and this week we show you the process and progress in pictures
21st Jan 2021
Chris R has upgraded his Hornby HST set with magnetic couplings from West Hill Wagon Works. These are great for fixed rakes where you do not need hands free uncoupling. The pack comes with enough couplings for 8 coaches 1 power and 1 trailer car. These replace the rather large tension lock coupling that Hornby have seen fit to include on an otherwise very reasonable model of the Mk3 coach. A close coupling version is also available. Having removed the bogie remove the the clip that holds the tension lock coupling in place and fit the magnetic one. Note that they are marked A and B. Face this mark downwards so its easily seen (looking under the coach) when setting up your train.
14th Jan 2021
Mike has produced a scratch built model of the Adams G6 0-6-0 steam locomotive. These were based on the LSWR so well suited for his TT gauge model of Okehampton
7th Jan 2021
Last week I covered fitting drivers in the Kernow D600 Warship. (See workshop page) Having completed that I set about fitting Kadee couplings. Pretty straight forward I thought since it comes with NEM pockets...plug and play.. and it is of sorts.
The pockets droop a bit which makes not a shot of difference when using the supplied tension lock couplings, but Kadee's are a little more fussy. If it is too low it effects the coupling height and causes the dropper pin to snag the track.
So off with the pocket for a quick examination.. As there seemed to be quite a lot of vertical play I added a small M2.5 washer under the securing screw to firm this up (see photo) but not before loosing the stabilising spring when removing the aforesaid screw...
A quick search around on the floor recovered it and I quickly restored it to its rightful place, under the plastic pocket assembly.
It carries an important funtion as it has the effect of damping sideways movement and ensures the coupling pocket remains central.
Now, my modification did improve the height and after adjusting the dropper pin using Kadee pliers I managed to stop it snagging the track. I think this is the best I can do, it is still not perfect as you will see from the photo's but it is an improvement. Just be careful when removing the mounting screw as although the loco comes with an exploded diagram of parts as far as I can see the little spring is not
mentioned.... Do not loose it!
Chris Rix
31st Dec 2020
Bought a D600 Warship from Kernow Models? Want to fit a couple of drivers? Then head on over to the Workshop page to see how you can do it.....
24th Dec 2020
CVMRC would like to wish all our members and Internet followers a very Happy Christmas
17th Dec 2020
British Rail class D16 was an early mainline diesel electric locomotive built in the late post war 1940's. Mike has built a model depicting loco number 10000 in OO Gauge
10th Dec 2020
This week we are showing some trackside and night shots from Mikes TT Gauge layout
3rd Dec 2020
Chris R has fitted an ESU micro 8 pin decoder with Next18 interface to his Hornby 08 shunter. This sound enabled decoder was from Legomanbiffo. You will see from the pictures that the connection to the decoder board is via a ribbon cable. This can be reduced in length by folding it over on itself thus aiding installation in a tight space. Other floating wires have been attached to the chassis using Uhu White Tack. The sugar cube speaker supplied is mounted in the front of the loco behind the radiator grill.
26th Nov 2020
We start this week with the fourth and final part of the Tiverleigh story (for now)
A couple of "night" shots taken by Mike of his Okehampton TT 3mm scale layout plus a trackside view taken from Andy's Tiverleigh layout
To compliment the photo's from last week Philip has sent in images of the three coaches he has repainted
Nov 20th 2020
Philip has sent in a couple of pictures of his O Gauge SNCF Pacific (4-6-2) loco... He has repainted the coaches seen here to match the livery of the locomotive....
We all enjoyed parts 1 and 2 of Tiverleigh from Andy so here is part 3 to marvel at.....
Finally here are 3 more shots of Mikes TT 3mm scale layout based on Okehampton.....
Nov 16th 2020
Andy has posted the second instalment of his Tiverleigh trilogy... turn up your sound and listen to those blue era diesels! You can nearly smell the fumes!
Mike has continued "greening" up his TT layout, has made a very nice job of the Ratio signal box kit to go on the club N gauge mini layout and has started to refurbish his Triang TT coaches using elbow grease with a little help from some "Pledge" polish!
Nov 10th 2020
Mike has been working hard on his TT gauge layout and these latest pictures are a testament to his progress
Andy's layout "Bickerton" is in storage at the moment... Below are some pictures celebrating the quality of this layout...
Nov 5th 2020
Observant readers will have noticed the lack of updates on this page over the last couple of months... members have however still been busy creating models and layouts during this time so we kick off with a video from Andy featuring his layout "Tiverleigh" which is currently in storage to make way for building work and a larger layout room.
Although the regular club house meetings are still not taking place some members have been catching up via a Zoom online meeting on Tuesday nights. About 6 or so members chat away and show examples of what they have been modelling.
Below in pics 1 and 2 are some OO gauge Mk1 coaches that Andy has added lights to. Pic 3. shows the scenic progress on Mikes layout which is based in his shed.
Below in pics 1 and 2 are some OO gauge Mk1 coaches that Andy has added lights to. Pic 3. shows the scenic progress on Mikes layout which is based in his shed.
Andy has fitted a DCC sound decoder and speaker in his 08 shunter. In addition he has also fitted lights. Look at all those wires!! You can see the 08 in operation in the video below. Pic 3 is of a building on Andy's layout "Bickerton" See if you can spot it on the video.
Mike has been adding some scenic detail to his layout, seen here in pic 1. Pictures 2 & 3 show two very nice Metcalfe card models made by Martin C.
The recent sunny weather has encouraged Andy to get out and do some gardening. Here we see the result (pic 1 ) with a very tidy station plot complete with useful potting shed.
Not content with turning his hand to gardening Andy has also found time to detail, renumber and lightly weather his class 101 (pic 2 ).
In pic 3 we see Mikes progress with his scratch built goods shed.
Not content with turning his hand to gardening Andy has also found time to detail, renumber and lightly weather his class 101 (pic 2 ).
In pic 3 we see Mikes progress with his scratch built goods shed.
Chris R has fitted a plug and play decoder obtained from Hattons to his Bachmann 08 shunter. Even though the 8 pin direct (NEM652) decoder was small the circuit board containing the decoder socket had to be unscrewed from the chassis and allowed to float in order to get the body back on. Pic 1 shows the decoder position with the addition of some insulation tape to stop any short circuits. The model then received some weathering to give it an authentic look. Fitting a driver into the cab will be for another time as, unlike some larger loco's, the lack of one is not too obvious....
Andy has uploaded this video showing his work on the club's layout "Lambourn". Taking the boards home to rewire this iconic model railway he is making the best use of the time available during the lockdown to bring the electrics into the 21st century. This included a design and build project to replace the ageing control panel.
More weathering examples, this time from club member Simon. The pictures below show off a particularly grimy 08 Shunter in BR blue.
Pictures 1, 2 & 3 show the model that Martin W has been working on. It is for his new layout "Nettlewell" which is an imaginary Isle of Wight terminus, based very loosely on Cowes. We look forward to seeing more pictures of what I am sure will be a stunning layout.
In picture 1. below we see a model of Dulverton station in development as part of Jose's layout. This has been a long term project but progress has been made more recently as the lockdown has created more modelling time.
Picture 2. shows a model of Woody Bay Station building. Jose has repainted this model by Bachmann to make it look more weathered and is planning an oo9 layout for it to sit on.
Picture 3. shows a corner of John B's layout where he has cleverly built in a station terminus. Corners on layouts are never an easy area to fill but this scene works well as the photo shows.
Picture 2. shows a model of Woody Bay Station building. Jose has repainted this model by Bachmann to make it look more weathered and is planning an oo9 layout for it to sit on.
Picture 3. shows a corner of John B's layout where he has cleverly built in a station terminus. Corners on layouts are never an easy area to fill but this scene works well as the photo shows.
This BR green Heljan Hymek has been weathered by Chris R and a DCC sound module fitted to finish the project.
Mike has been building an engine shed for his layout (pic 1) and a Class 33 loco with a scratch built chassis (pics 2 & 3)
Andy's latest project has been to add led lighting to his Bachmann Class 20 loco. Pic 1 shows the new wires soldered to the base of the 21 pin DCC socket. Pic 2 & 3 show the loco in action.
Chris R has been busy with his airbrush and weathered a small fleet of oil tankers. The process involves a mix of Precision Paints P977 Rusty Rails, P991 Track Colour and P981 Dirty Black. Eack tanker is given a light coat which is allowed to dry for a few hours. This is then partly removed using cotton buds and a cotton cloth to give the effect you see in the photographs.
Mike has been busy building a new layout. Pic 1 shows the main board with pic 2 and 3 some of the buildings all of which are scratch built. Pic 4, 5 and 6 show developments on his N Gauge layout
Andy has been adding detail to his layout below with a builders yard in pics 1, 2 & 3 and a water wheel in pic 5. Pics 6 to 9 show the various stages of tree building.